Lavender Essential Oil Benefits and Uses

Today, typically, a therapeutic grade of the species Lavendula Angustifolia is cultivated for oil production throughout Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and North and South America. The nutrient-rich plant contains antioxidant enzymes that help prevent free radical damage which is important for our bodies to defend against everyday exposure to toxins.In fact, lavender helps produce three of your body’s most powerful antioxidants; glutathione, catalase, and superoxide dismutase. These all help slow the effects of aging while helping your cells defend against damage that can lead to cancer.
Lavender oil is also commonly used to help improve the development of scar tissue while also fighting bacteria which makes it an effective treatment for acne. Also, the oils of lavender help to reduce redness and restore skin complexion while its antimicrobial properties can help reduce itch and swelling and moisturize skin to help improve cases of eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. Lavender is also known to bring in a firming and brightening component when used in skin products because lavender oil increases circulation which helps bring more oxygen and nutrients to skin cells, which in turn gives skin a more youthful glow.
Lavender oil has also been studied for its calming effects on the amygdala gland, which is known as our “emotional warehouse”. It has been proven to be immediately calming when inhaled or applied to the feet, temples, wrists or just about anywhere on the body.
The essential oil has been recorded to bring about a sort of “personal oasis” when used for aromatically. Scientific and clinical data helps to link these calming effects with its sedative properties and anti-convulsive nature. The alluring sweetness of this floral scent has helped give it widespread presence while it can commonly be used to help reduce stress, ease tension, and suppress headaches of all kinds.
Lavender has also been useful when trying to induce sleep while also sometimes being used to treat exhaustion. The oil helps to improve mood, reduce moodiness, support brain function and decrease symptoms of depression. It has even been noted by the International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice to give protection against neurological damage without any negative side effects.
Overall this widely used oil is great for purifying the body and spirit. We love being able to incorporate it into our products and hope you appreciate its positive effects as much as we do!
The post Lavender Essential Oil Benefits and Uses appeared first on Mizzi Cosmetics.